

Hoje acordei e estava sol. Pensei "vou só ligar o computador e depois, direitinha prá varanda". Quando cheguei à varanda, já de bikini e toalha debaixo do braço, as nuvens chegaram, e eu voltei para o sofá. Agora olho para a janela e vejo ainda mais sol. A isto se chama "Primavera".
Today, i woke up and the day was bright. I thought "i'm just going to turn the pc on and then, straight to the balcony". When I got there, already on my bikini and with a towel under my arm, the sky was full with clouds, and I went back to the coach. Now I look at the window and there is sun again. This is what is called "Spring".

Estas fotos foram "emprestadas" do site http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewtallon/4652706525/sizes/o/in/photostream. O meu objectivo não é ofender ninguém, mas sim homenagear.
These photos were "borrowed" from  http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewtallon/4652706525/sizes/o/in/photostream. My purpose in not to offend anyone, but honor.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful photo! I'm loving your blog girl, I'm your newest follower! I hope you'll follow me back and we can keep in touch. I love discovering new blogs!

    Sarah xoxo
